Sunday, September 9, 2018

Self-seeded calla lilies in our gulley

The calla lilies have sown themselves in our gully and look quite spectacular with their pearly-white flowers. It is a shame that they are considered to be a nuisance weed here in New Zealand.

Bracken, manuka bushes, tree ferns and other native plants are also growing in the gully, all of which have seeded themselves there.

The ground that they are growing in is very boggy, so I couldn't get any closer to take more photos.

I must walk around the land more often. I was quite breathless by the time I arrived back at the house. That is what Winter hibernation does to me. Now that the days are getting warmer I can get out more, as long as it isn't raining.

Spring is my most favourite time of year. I am in the middle of planning another wildflower garden. Most of the wildflower seeds that I ordered have arrived. There is just one more packet to come. I can't wait!

See you again soon.

Hugs Rose x

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