Wednesday, September 12, 2018

More and more packets of wildflower seeds

The last of the wildflower seeds that I ordered arrived today...yaaaay! I now have enough to sow a new wildflower patch of about 50 metres long x 1 tractor width, whatever that is.

I decided not to turn over my last wildflower bed, or re-sow it. There are some wildflowers already coming up in it. So far I recognise scabious, ox-eye daisies and linum growing. I have some perennial seeds which I plan to grow in pots and then transplant them into this bed when they are big enough.

The new wildflower bed is going to be made parallel to the last one, with a grass pathway between the two.

This afternoon I checked to see if the soil had dried out enough for rotavating. It looks good to me, nice and crumbly and holding some moisture, but not claggy like clay soil is when it is too wet.

I now have to wait for the contractor to come and have a look and set aside time to rotavate the patch. The weather forecast is still good for the next few days. I do hope that he contacts me soon.

To pass the time I will make a list here of the types of wildflower seed I that I bought: (You are allowed to scroll quickly past this list if it gets too long for you).

- Dwarf toadflax (linaria maroccana) 10 grams. From past experience this will be the first to germinate and flower, giving shelter for the other seedlings.
- White cosmos (cosmos bipinnatus) 10 grams
- Yellow cosmos (cosmos sulphurous) 10 grams
- Mixed cosmos, crimson, soft pink and white (cosmos bipinnatus) 3 grams
- Cosmos Xanthos (cosmos bipinnatus) 30 seeds
- English marigold (calendula officinalis) 10 grams
- Queen Anne's lace (ammi majus) 3 grams
- Bishops flower (ammi majus) 250 seeds
- Didiscus Lace Mix (didiscus caeruleus) 180 seeds
- Soldier poppy (papaver rhoeas) 10 grams
- Corn poppy/Shirley poppy (papaver rhoeas) 10 grams
- Shirley poppy summer mix (papaver rhoeas) 300 seeds
- Plains coreopsis (coreopsis tinctoria) 3 grams
- Coreopsis tinctoria Dwarf Red 3 grams
- Californian poppy Mission Bells (eschscholzia californica) 1000 seeds
- Cornflower tall blue (centaurea cyanus) 10 grams
- Cornflower country blue double (centaurea cyanus) 50 seeds (this was a gift from a real estate agent)
- Wildflower wild blue yonder mix, (various species) 10 g
- Scabious fragrant dwarf doubles (scabiosa atropurpurea) 300 seeds
- Rudbeckia Cherry Baby (rudbeckia hirta) 100 seeds
- Tithonia Goldfinger (tithonia speciose) 50 seeds
- Purple tansy (phacelia tanacetifolia) 1000 seeds
- Zinnia Giant Lime (zinnia elegans) 75 seeds
- Zinnia Crest Red (zinnia elegans) 90 seeds
- Bees Birds and Butterflies wildflower mix, (various species) 50 grams

Phew that took some typing!

The photo above shows my last flowerbed after it was mown last week. You may just be able to see the markers at the edges showing where the old wildflower bed is and also where the new bed is going to be.

A closer look shows the damage that the rabbits have been doing to my wildflower bed, grrrrrr. I keep having to fill the holes up. There aren't any burrows....yet.

That's all my news for today. It's time now for my cup of hot chocolate and to read my book before bed.

See you again soon.


Rose x

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