Saturday, December 4, 2021

Getting into the Christmas spirit

I have been slow with putting up my Christmas decorations and getting into the Christmas spirit, which I am finding a little bit difficult, this year. So yesterday I decided to do something about it. 

I put on some Christmas music from YouTube with pretty Christmas scenes and gathered up all the gifts that I had bought throughout the year. Then I got out my Christmas wrapping papers, sellotape and scissors, and I was all set to get wrapping.

It didn't take long for me to realise that I was thoroughly absorbed and having fun with this activity 😊

I had one dilemma though, my brother's Christmas present, which I ordered in October, hadn't arrived in the mail yet. I phoned the company that I purchased it from and was told that, unfortunately the parcel was delayed in transit from overseas and it would be another 12 days before they got it to send on to me...😕 This will be too late to give to my brother as he is going away for Christmas to his in-laws shortly and he is coming to visit and pick up the presents tomorrow.

So I had an idea.

I found a picture of the gift that he is going to get eventually, then printed it out on glossy photo paper and turned it into a little card. Inside I explained that this is a picture of his gift which he will receive next year, as unfortunately Santa was a bit delayed this year. All will be fine.

The next thing on my to-do list was to start rearranging my desk to make it look Christmassy. I added a red gloxinia house-plant which came into flower last week. It isn't quite a poinsettia, but it is the right colour and very pretty.

I then placed my new tabletop Christmas tree on my desk. I bought it recently to replace the little white tree that I had. The white tree had turned light brown and looked awful. I had wanted another white tree but couldn't find one that was suitable. Then I found this little green tree with white flocking which made me very happy.

Tomorrow my father will get my vintage Christmas decorations out of storage and I will be able to decorate my trees...Yay! I won't be putting up my large tree this year, as there isn't room for it anymore, which is a shame.

I also received my first Christmas card yesterday, so added it to my desk too. I plan to make garlands again with my favourite cards which I have saved over the years.

The menu for our Christmas Eve meal is now planned and I have bought all the non-perishables for it. (It is very hard for me not to tuck into the pfeffernusse biscuits and mince pies!) I also made a list of things that need to be bought a few days beforehand. The food will be hit-and-miss this year with not knowing what groceries will be available or not. But the main thing will be that we will have a good time together.

How are you getting on with your holiday plans this year?
Have you managed to get into the spirit of things?

See you again soon. 

Hugs, Rose x


  1. Enjoy the season!Thats the spirit!That gloxinia(?)is stupendous!

    1. Dear Monique, thank you, the busier I get with my Christmas preparations, the more it feels like Christmas is coming and that it is something to celebrate again this year. I will get out of the doldrums and enjoy myself :o) The gloxinia is gorgeous with velvety leaves and flowers. The flowers are a deeper rich red colour than in the photo. It is really cheerful. Today I get my first taste of Christmas. My brother, sister-in-law and nephew are coming, and we will eat Christmas treats and open a few presents, as they won't be able to be with us this Christmas. I hope that you are enjoying your holiday preparations. Hugs, Rose x

  2. I agree, playing the holiday music gets us in spirit and mood to decorate...I know it can sometimes feel overwhelming to unbox decorations. The little tree is perfect...just right for your desk! I remember my mother-in-law's white tree turned brownish too...not sure why, maybe the lights? Looking forward to seeing your vintage decorations! Mary

    1. Hi Mary, there are now boxes of Christmas decorations all over the sitting room waiting to be put back into storage! I have decorated the little tree on my desk and am weighing up whether or not to put the medium sized tree up. We have my young cat Otto and the neighbour's ginger cat romping around inside the house, at full speed, twice a day at them moment. I wouldn't put it past them to try and climb the tree or knock it over. I will post photos soon :o) Hugs, Rose x

  3. Yes playing some Christmas music and trying not to be too busy about Christmas time...
    This week I will buy a Christmas tree and decorate it! Lovely!
    Always nice visiting your blog :)

    1. Dear Titti, thankyou :) I have been listening to lots of Christmas music now and it certainly helps make it feel like Christmas time. Plus I have been watching Christmas themed advent vlogs on YouTube every day. My favourite vlog is Chateau diaries Christmas. I hope that you find the perfect tree. Have fun decorating it! Hugs Rose x
