Monday, October 25, 2021

Moonrise over the camellias

moon rising over camelia bushes

Last Tuesday evening I looked out of the sitting room window to see the full moon rising in the sky, over my pink 'water lily' camellia bushes. 

The sky was full of soft pastel shades of purple, pink and blue, and the air was filled with the joyous sound of evening birdsong.

I opened the window to hear the birds more clearly and I could make out the songs of the blackbirds and skylarks. There was also a pheasant calling and I could hear the shrill, rattling sound of the spur-winged plovers cry.

I quickly ran for my camera and managed to capture the colours of the sky, just in time, before the pinks and purples faded away.

Then I sat and listened to the birds until their evening chorus stopped. It was such a lovely way to wind down at the end of the day.

The weather has been stormy since that time, with blustery gale-force winds and torrential rain until today. I ventured out at lunchtime to see if any damage had been done to my garden and found all my ixias and poppies flattened, and the petals of the purple babianas gone. Oh well, such is the spring weather I suppose.

Now I need to sit and watch another sunset and listen to the evening birdsong again. It won't be this evening because it is raining again. So I will snuggle up with a hot chocolate and do some more knitting instead.

I hope that you enjoy the new week and maybe manage to watch a sunset and listen to the evening bird song too.

See you again soon.

Hugs, Rose x


  1. What a perfect way to end the day...birdsong, sunsets, flowers and a full moon! That's certainly a way to relieve stress...even the mug of hot chocolate and the sound of rain is relaxing. When the world starts to close in, what a blessing to have those acres of peace and quiet to enjoy. Mary

    1. Hi Mary, I agree with you, it was a perfect day's end and I love where I live. I manage to relax a lot of the time. When stressed there are so many things I can do here to make myself feel better :) I hope that you find some time to relax too during your busy harvest time. Hugs, Rose x

  2. Hi Rose, You captured the full moon just beautifully. It's currently raining here and turning much cooler, which seems appropriate since next week is November. We are planning to carve our pumpkin tomorrow, so that should be fun. Hope you are having a nice and relaxing weekend.

    1. Hi Julia, Thank you :) It is raining here too today on and off, but it is getting much warmer. Pumpkin carving sounds like great fun. I have never carved one, though I do remember trying to carve out a turnip when I was little for Halloween lol. Happy Halloween for Sunday. Hugs, Rose x
