Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Another spring walk with my cat Otto

view towards the young eucalyptus trees
The sun came out at last, in between squally Spring showers, so I took the chance to go for a walk with my cat Otto, in the fresh air, while I could.

Otto is very much like my shadow, he likes to follow me wherever I go. He is now 2 and a half years old and acts like a kitten still, always leaping about and climbing up trees. 

my cat Otto up a eucalyptus tree

You can see Otto in the photo above, near the top of a very tall eucalyptus tree. This is the highest that I have ever seen him climb. 

My heart was in my mouth when I saw him rush up the tree trunk at lightning speed. He has only just learnt to climb down backwards, instead of just leaping down from any height, or trying to run down the tree trunk head first! 

overgrown garden

The ground was very wet and muddy and the grass was long, so I had to wear my gumboots to keep my feet dry. We are waiting for the land to dry out before we can mow the grass. It is quite overgrown at the moment.

my cat Otto up a cabbage tree

This cabbage tree (cordyline australis) is Otto's favourite tree to climb at the beginning and end of each walk. He also uses it as a scratching post, then rushes up the trunk until his head is in the leaves which he plays with. 

Occasionally Otto will bring long cabbage tree leaves into the house as presents for me, or to play with. 😄

the blue wisteria in flower

The blue wisteria is in full flower now and smells wonderful. This one grows just outside my bedroom window, so I can enjoy the scent when I have the window open.

view across the orchard

Above is the view through our orchard and across one of our fields to the nature reserve. 

You can see the lemons, which are ready to pick, on the small tree at the bottom right of the photo. The buds on the rest of the fruit trees are just starting to open.

our pond

Our pond has filled up with water now, after all the rain that we have had. The pond is frequently visited by Mallard ducks, Canada geese and Paradise ducks. Although there were none to be seen on this walk. 

I love the Canada geese with their honking call, but they are very shy here and fly away as soon as they see us.

view towards the daffodil patch

In the middle of the photo above is where the daffodil patch is. The daffodils finished flowering a month ago and we are waiting for the leaves to die off before we can mow over that area again.

view past the persimmon tree

The bright green tree on the left is our persimmon tree. It puts on a lovely show of fresh green leaves in the Spring. Then in Autumn the leaves turn a bright rusty orange colour and the tree is then full of bright orange persimmons.

my cat Otto

Otto and I very much enjoyed our walk 😊

It is time now for me to have my afternoon tea. Twining's English breakfast tea, no milk, 2 sugars and a slice of lemon with a couple of shortbread biscuits today. Yummy.

I hope that you are having an enjoyable week.

See you again soon.

Hugs, Rose x


  1. It looks absolutely many paths to walk and enjoy. I've always wanted a pond; sigh. What a wonderful way to spend the day!

    1. Hi Wendy, Thankyou very much :) Otto and I had a great time on our walk. I always find it very relaxing to be out on our land. Maybe one day you too will have a pond? We excavated ours over 40 years ago and dammed it up where there is a natural spring. I would have loved to have water lilies on it, but the water is too deep and the sides too steep for them to be planted. I hope you have a lovely day. Hugs, Rose x

  2. Hi Rose, What a beautiful area you live in! I loved seeing all the pictures of Otto climbing trees and being adventurous. The last picture brought a huge smile to my face. My goodness he is so cute! Our dog is one and half years old and she is definitely my little shadow, her name is Rosie by the way and we often call her Rose. Hope you are having a nice day. Your afternoon tea and treat sounds delightful.

  3. Hi Julia, thank you :) Otto is a cute cat. He has just recently made friends with a neighbour's young ginger cat. I think they are about the same age. I watched them playing hide-and-seek and pouncing on each other outside this morning. I am so glad he has found another cat to play with since we lost Abbie. Rosie sounds like a lovely dog and so loyal. Our pets are so special aren't they! I hope you are having a good week. Hugs, Rose x

  4. Oh so beautiful and what a great walk with cutest Otto! The nature is really lovely around you...
    Always so nice visiting you blog :)

    1. Hi Titti, Thankyou very much for your visiting my blog and for your lovely comment :) I am so happy that you enjoy visiting. I feel lucky living where I am and having Otto with me when I go for walks. Hugs, Rose x
