Monday, September 20, 2021

My favourite scent of Spring


It is now 2 weeks into Spring and the bluebells in my garden are in full flower. They make such a wonderful sight. 

I couldn't resist picking a bunch for my desk. Their scent is gorgeous, it fills the room with Springtime happiness. The flowers are perfection, such a lovely blue, reminding me of the Summer skies that will follow in a few months time.

The sky was a dramatic, dark, charcoal-grey yesterday over the distant hills, it was very ominous. However the sun shone on our land, making the fresh green colours of the spring leaves really stand out. The photo above is a view from my bedroom window. 

The plum tree is full of white blossom at the moment and it is alive with buzzing bees. The blossom looks like thick snow as there are so many small white flowers covering the branches. 

I have the window open at the moment letting the sweet scent of the blossom waft inside, mingling with the perfume of the bluebells on my desk. Bliss.

I feel so lucky to live on 10 acres of land here in New Zealand. All the space to walk in and enjoy and feel shut away from the worries of the world. 

The only time we see anyone outside is when we receive our weekly delivery of shopping, and even then it is contactless. The driver leaves our groceries on the doorstep and we bring them in when he has driven off. Waving to him from the window. What a strange world we live in at the moment.

I hope that you are managing to keep safe and happy through these times.

See you again soon.


Rose xxx


  1. Hi Rose. Many thanks for popping by my blog; it's lovely to 'meet' you. Wow, you live in a beautiful place and I really envy you all your land; it must be very peaceful. I love the photo of the dramatic sky against the green fields, that contrast of colours is glorious. Enjoy the rest of your week. xx

    1. Hi VeggieMummy, Thank you, it is lovely to meet you too :) The stormy sky looked quite menacing when I saw it on Sunday. I was amazed that the sun was shining on our side of the hill, highlighting everything so beautifully. The storm totally missed us, but it poured down on my sister's house just over the hill. My sister and I were chatting on the phone when I saw this scene out of my window. She couldn't believe the difference in weather until I emailed her that photo lol. I hope you are having a good week too. Hugs, Rose xx
