Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Macarons for afternoon tea - Yum!

Mini macarons, plus...

...a freshly picked vase of forget-me-nots...

...together with a cup of Twining's English Breakfast tea in my favourite Giens filet bleu cup...

made a wonderful setting for afternoon tea at my desk...


Perfect for cheering up a dismally cloudy and rainy day. I wish that I could have shared them with you :)

Macarons are now one of my favourite treats. I had been deprived of them during lockdown. Being in level 4 lockdown for 5 weeks, and now level 3, for me, means no going out to the shops. 
However I discovered that the supermarket, that we get our groceries delivered from, sells mini-macarons which are made in France. I couldn't resist ordering some. 

When my shopping arrived, the macarons were the first thing that I unpacked. I was surprised at how small they were (about 2.5 cm in diameter), but the flavours certainly made up for the size.

They came in a box of 12, with 6 different flavours; lemon, pistachio, vanilla, caramel, chocolate and raspberry.

I enjoyed biting into the thin crisp outer layer, to be met with soft chewy yumminess, then a flavour-packed creamy filling. Perfection! A drink of tea between flavours cleansed my palate for the next flavourful experience. Bliss!

Do you take time out to have afternoon tea? What is your favourite treat?

Hugs, Rose x

Friday, September 24, 2021

Cat's face - Drawing practice

It has been many years since I drew anything from scratch with my watercolour pencils. I have spent my time mostly using my pencils, dry, for colouring in my collection of colouring-in books. Something that I always find very relaxing.

I wanted to draw a cat but have never drawn a cat before, so I went hunting on YouTube for tutorials and ideas. I found a series of 4 videos by Shannagh-Leigh:

These videos are really detailed with easy-to-follow instructions, and even better they are free tutorials! Shannagh-Leigh even kindly put up a link for a copy of the original photograph that she used in the tutorial. Thanks Shannagh-Leigh.

The colouring pencils I used, to draw the cat, were Caran D'Ache Artist Supracolor Soft watercolour pencils. I bought a set of 120 pencils from Switzerland, many years ago, as a special treat to myself. I really really wanted, needed, had to have them, but they were so expensive I thought I would only get them if I won lotto one day. After months of sighing at the thought of them I made up my mind to buy the pencils and have never regretted it. These pencils have given me years of pleasure. 

I have since found that I can now buy individual replacement pencils, here in Auckland, if needed, for NZ $4.60 each. Not too bad if I only buy a few at a time (I say quickly trying not to faint).

It took me a week of working with the YouTube tutorials to draw the cat's face. I found it very absorbing and relaxing to do and it made me happy :)

First I drew the outline, then used the shading techniques, with dry pencils, that I learnt from the videos. Then, when I has happy with the colouring, I used a very fine, wet paintbrush over the eyes, nose and fur to activate the watercolour pencils to make the drawing pop out. I was so surprised at the result. I have never tried this technique before. 

Now I need to decide what to try drawing next :)

See you soon.

Hugs Rose x

Thursday, September 23, 2021

I found some old Spring photos of Cineraria

A while ago my brother rescued all the photos that were on my old computer which had died. I thought that everything had been lost, but by some miracle he managed to transfer the files onto a USB stick and I have now put them onto my present computer.

I found these photos of our Cineraria, which I took during Spring many years ago. The Cineraria used to grow in abundance under the pine trees around the house. They had self-seeded from somewhere and loved the growing conditions under the trees. 

There were so many different colours, ranging from blue, through pink, mauve, purple and white.       

Unfortunately we had to have the pine trees around the house removed. They were old and leaning dangerously. In stormy weather the pine branches used to thump on the roof....scary.

After the trees had gone the cineraria stopped growing in this spot. But some have still managed to spread into the orchard and surprisingly into the vegetable patch and under the deck. 

I am waiting for new, self-sown seedlings, to flower this Spring. I never know which colours will show up. I like to pick individual florets of different colours and float them in a bowl of water on my desk :)

Now I am off to sort through more of my photos, I love the memories that they evoke.

See you again soon.

Hugs, Rose x

Monday, September 20, 2021

My favourite scent of Spring


It is now 2 weeks into Spring and the bluebells in my garden are in full flower. They make such a wonderful sight. 

I couldn't resist picking a bunch for my desk. Their scent is gorgeous, it fills the room with Springtime happiness. The flowers are perfection, such a lovely blue, reminding me of the Summer skies that will follow in a few months time.

The sky was a dramatic, dark, charcoal-grey yesterday over the distant hills, it was very ominous. However the sun shone on our land, making the fresh green colours of the spring leaves really stand out. The photo above is a view from my bedroom window. 

The plum tree is full of white blossom at the moment and it is alive with buzzing bees. The blossom looks like thick snow as there are so many small white flowers covering the branches. 

I have the window open at the moment letting the sweet scent of the blossom waft inside, mingling with the perfume of the bluebells on my desk. Bliss.

I feel so lucky to live on 10 acres of land here in New Zealand. All the space to walk in and enjoy and feel shut away from the worries of the world. 

The only time we see anyone outside is when we receive our weekly delivery of shopping, and even then it is contactless. The driver leaves our groceries on the doorstep and we bring them in when he has driven off. Waving to him from the window. What a strange world we live in at the moment.

I hope that you are managing to keep safe and happy through these times.

See you again soon.


Rose xxx