Saturday, June 6, 2020

A week into Winter

Winter arrived here in New Zealand a week ago, but where I am in Auckland it feels more like late Spring. At least the plants seem to think this.

There are new buds on the chestnut tree, sycamore trees and the viburnums. The camelias have flower buds on, which are starting to open, and the freesias, daffodils, ixias and babiana have sprouted from their bulbs.

I hope that the plants don't go into shock when the cold weather hits.

The red hot pokers (kniphofia) have now opened and are putting on a magnificent display.

We have got quite a few red hot pokers now. They have self-seeded in many sheltered spots, much to the enjoyment of the wax eyes which love to feed on the nectar. (We occasionally get tuis feeding on the nectar as well).

The wax eyes descend on the red hot pokers in large flocks and fly from one flower to the next very quickly. I tried to catch them on camera, but unfortunately all I get is a blur.

This week I have been trying to get out into the garden as much as possible between the rain showers. It is still warm enough for me to go outside in a T-shirt without a cardigan. But gumboots are necessary as the ground is getting a little squishy.

The vegetable garden is coming on well. We have harvested about a third of the radishes now. They are yummy, nice and crisp and moist and not too hot for me. I love eating them dipped in butter.

Today I saw our first snow pea growing. It is 1 cm long. So it looks like the bees have been around pollinating the flowers. I wonder how long it will be before the peas will be ready to pick? Yum!

While it has been raining I have spent my time tucked up inside reading a book on surviving the Winter months called Making Winter by Emma Mitchell. And I am also reading through a couple of gardening books to see what I can do in the vegetable patch over Winter.

What comforting things do you like to do during the Winter months to avoid the Winter doldrums?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Rose x


  1. You have winter, we have summer! Lovely pictures and have a great time now - take care!

    1. Hi Titti, Thank you for visiting and leaving your lovely comment. Yes we are in Winter now in New Zealand, but I can always visit your blog for a touch of Summer :) Hugs, Rose

  2. Down here in Taranaki, the flowers are confused, too! I have azaleas and daffodils and roses and geraniums blooming!! Your photos are lovely to see as I really love the pokers, they are so bright and cheerful :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Hi Betty, welcome to Happy Ramblings. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment :) I enjoyed my visit to your blog and seeing your lovely photos. The flowers really are mixed up aren't they? Daffodils in June!
