Friday, September 7, 2018

Early Spring flowers in my garden

This morning I wanted to take photos of my early Spring flowers, but it was drizzling with rain and I didn't want to get my camera wet. Finally, this afternoon, I managed to go for a walk in the garden in between showers of rain. Everywhere was fresh and the soil squelched under my gumboots as I walked on the grass.

The flowers have opened a month early this year because the winter was so mild.

The onion weed has formed drifts in the grass and it looks so pretty. I am waiting for my white and my blue bluebells to open, I love their scent, unlike the oniony smell of the onion weed.

Talking of scents, the freesias smell heavenly. Their flowers are really big and colourful.

This little patch of garden was planted with 100 freesia bulbs after digging in a couple of sacks of compost.

The arctotis has started to come into flower. There are lots more buds still waiting to open. We have interplanted the arctotis with a pale blue Siberean iris that has golden spots on the petals, the same colour as the arctotis. This year I plan to propagate and spread the iris more.

The calla lilies are huge. This patch seeded itself under our feijoa bushes. There is another patch flowering in a gully on our land that I want to photograph when the weather is a bit drier.

It won't be long before the clivia buds open. There are 4 clusters of buds on my plant this year.

This echium self-seeded in the vegie patch.

My succulents are growing well, they make a great ground cover. They are evergreen and flower for a long time. I still have no idea what they are called.

The lavender is in full flower even though it wasn't pruned properly. I shall take some lavender cuttings, when the time is right, so I can spread it more around the garden. I love the contrast between purple and orange flowers.

I am dying to start my wild flower beds again. I have Spring fever and am finding it hard having to wait for the soil to dry before it can be rotavated. In the meantime I have been buying lots of flower seeds. That is another story for me to tell.

Thanks for stopping by.


Rose x

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