Monday, January 27, 2014

Two seasons through my bedroom window

It was a lovely misty Summer morning this morning and I just managed to catch the sun shining on a patch of land as it rose over the hill.

The day has turned out breezy which is quite nice as it has chased some of the humidity away. The cicadas are chirruping happily and little puffy white clouds are scuttling across the sky now. A perfect lazy day for a Summer holiday.

This is an old photo which was taken on a Winter morning when everywhere was covered in frost. The whiteness really made the orange of the red hot poker flowers stand out.

Frost where I live thaws out by 10 a.m. at the latest, usually followed by gloriously sunny days and blue skies. We usually get 10 or less frosts a year and never any snow, so this is the closest thing to snow we get :)


Rose x

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