Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A belated Happy New Year to you!

Wishing you a very happy New Year!

I have been rather slack at blogging for such a long time. Quite a few of things happened last year. My health decided to let me down and I ended up having to have 3 different operations:

- One to remove a painful ganglion cyst from my right wrist and at the same time they released a tendon at the base of my thumb. So no writing or working at the computer for a long time.

- Then I had to have shoulder surgery to remove bone and bursa from inside my shoulder as my shoulder became too painful to use due to inflammation. My right arm again and I am right handed! I was out of action for 5 weeks after that and enduring lots of physiotherapy.

- And finally last month I had to have my pacemaker replaced.

I have mostly recovered at last and now just have to be careful how I use my arm until my muscles have strengthened.

I was a little silly after the pain had gone and my arm was out of the sling. I had decided to set up a vegetable patch and was shovelling topsoil for 3 days, then arrrgh, I strained my shoulder badly. So now I have to sleep on my back because I can't sleep on my right shoulder and I can't sleep comfortably on my left until the pacemaker surgery has settled.

So my resolutions this year are:

1) To have a healthy fun year

2) To make the most of my spare time

3) To relax and spoil myself. I think I deserve it!

Looking forward to catching up with you and hearing about your resolutions.

See you soon.

Hugs Rose x

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