Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The garden and miniature foal as promised!

A view of the house from the outside

After the amazing lunch made by my brother, chatting on the veranda, watching the guys play petanque on the lawn and taking photos inside the house, I decided to wander off and have a look around the garden and then see the new foal.

The main flower beds had unfortunately suffered from a run-off of lawn weed-killer. My sister-in-law managed to save the apricot coloured carpet roses that she has on one side of the lawn, by cutting them back. But one of her beautiful white standard roses died. It is such a shame because they look stunning when they are all in flower.

The bird house in the herbaceous border

The herbaceous border looked really pretty with ruby red penstemons and a bush with pink pea-flower shaped flowers. I don't know the name of the bush. I should look it up in my plant encyclopaedia, unless you know what it is called? (You can get a closer look if you click on the picture).

The wooden bird house at the back of the flower bed is really cute. My brother and sister-in-law get a lot of birds coming into their garden. A huge flock of turtle doves visits them a few times a day for food. And a while ago 24 wild mallard ducks frequently came for a feed. It was lovely to watch until they became too cheeky and started walking and pooping on the veranda. Not so much fun to clean up!

Red and orange Canna lilies around the wooden gazebo

About a third of their 3 acres is native New Zealand bush (woodland). Just at the edge of this they have built a wooden gazebo surrounded by red, yellow and orange canna lilies. It's lovely to sit here, out of the heat of the full sun, and look over into the bush. I sat there for a while hoping to see some native wild birds to photograph, but I wasn't so lucky this time.

View into the native bush with yellow and orange Canna lilies

So I just took more photos of the beautiful brightly coloured canna lilies.

A view through the Canna lilies into the bush land area

The sun was so bright that I couldn't see any of the photos that I was taking in my view finder. I just decided to point my camera, try to keep it straight and clicked! I kept my fingers crossed and hoped for the best. I was pleasantly surprised when I uploaded my photos onto my computer to check them out :)

native woodland with Canna lilies planted in my brother's garden

I hope that you aren't bored with all of my canna lilly photos lol. I just had to post them all because I think they are so pretty. This is the last one, I promise!

A view of the native bush land in my brother's garden

This is a view of the native bush on their land. The trees with the spiky leaves are called cabbage trees, though they look nothing like cabbages! My brother has made a network of pathways through the bush, right down to the bottom where there is a running stream. I walked a short way down, but I was wearing high heels. Not exactly the best footwear for tramping through bush! Next time I will remember to take my trainers, then I might be able to get some really good bush photos.

Coal with his mother a white miniature horse

And here is Coal, my sister-in-law's new foal, with his mother Violet. They are miniature horses. It is hard to see how small they are in this photo. Coal is just knee high and his mother comes up to my thigh! Coal was born on the 5th of December and loves my sister-in-law, letting her cuddle him. He will eventually change from being this grey colour to black with white markings.

Victoria the miniature white horse and her foal Coal

He is so photogenic and posed perfectly for me.

Coal is 3 weeks old here

So cute!!! After this photo Violet decided that was enough and herded Coal away from me.

It was a perfect day.

See you soon. xxx

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