Sunday, December 16, 2012

It doesn't take much to make me happy

English Breakfast Tea with German Pfeffernusse Cookies with Gien Filets Bleu teacup, saucer and plate
I lay awake last night thinking about all the things that make me happy. A bit like the list in the Sound of Music's song "My Favourite Things". Except that I hadn't been bitten by a dog, stung by a bee and wasn't feeling sad. Especially considering Christmas is only 9 days away!

Then something my mum said to me a few weeks ago popped into my head. That it doesn't take much to make me happy. This is very true. So from this little thought the idea for my new blog was born. And what better time to start than the days leading up to Christmas!

I have so many things that I can't wait to share with you here. My new Christmas tree, giving my Poinsettia plant a haircut! vintage Christmas decorations.....

See you soon with photos xxx

P.S. In the meantime I would love to hear about what some of your favourite Christmassy things are. Make yourself comfortable, grab a drink and some of your favourite cake!

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