Sunday, March 31, 2013

Wishing you a Happy Easter!

It has been a very lazy day today. I slept in late, catching up with some well needed sleep. Then I breakfasted on toasted waffles with apple sauce.

The waffles were made last week and then put into the freezer ready for emergencies. I simply popped them into the toaster without the need for defrosting. Wonderful! And there was a bowl of stewed apples in the fridge, made from apples from our tree, which I just passed through a seive to make puree.

Then I spent a couple of hours reading and had a long luxurious bubble bath...bliss. A perfect holiday!

Smoked salmon, salt herrings, pickles, prawn cocktail, salads

Mum and dad made a lovely Easter dinner tonight. We had a cold meal because the weather is still very hot here in here New Zealand, even though it is Autumn. It still feels very strange for me to have Easter in the Autumn. For me Easter means spring flowers...pots of blue hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses.

Easter dessert of Kulich and Pashka

We had Kulich and Pashka for dessert. Mum made the Pashka a few days ago and the Kulich was made this morning. They are my favourite Easter desserts and a Polish tradition that we have had since as far back as I can remember.

The icing on the Kulich is a little sparse because dad doesn't like icing on Kulich and he caught mum putting it on....sigh....I love heaps of icing on Kulich, so I had a little separate bowl of icing to put on my slice when I ate it, so we were all happy :)

I hope that you have a wonderful Easter and that the Easter Bunny is very good to you.


Rose xxx

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I'm back again!

Garden Lovers and Breakfast Google Plus Community

Hi, I am back again in blog land, feeling more like my usual cheerful self!

Thank you all my blog friends for your support and staying around while I was away. I have missed you all very much and can't wait to catch up with what has been going on.

While I was away I kept myself busy on Google+, setting up 2 Communities there. A Breakfast Community and a Garden Lovers Community, which some of you may have already visited. You need to be signed up to Google+ to be able to access the Communities, which is really simple to do, and free.

I am finding it great fun to share breakfast ideas, photos and recipes with other people in the Breakfast community. And also garden and flower photos and ideas with the Garden Lovers Community. Feel free to pop over and join in if you wish.

In the meantime I will sort through my photos from my trip to Australia, that I had the beginning of February, and share some with you very soon. I have a lot of catching up to do!

See you soon. Lots of hugs xxx